

SIMPLE EMPLOYEE CRUD project is a simple project that I created to perform simple data manipulation activities including create, read, update, and delete with data related to employees.

The purpose of creating this simple project is as a learning activity for me to broaden my insight in the field of web development. In the future, I will create several simple projects related to web development and also related to IoT development.

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In this project, I use basic languages to create a web, namely HTML, CSS, and Javascript. For the back-end, I use the PHP programming language with the framework I use is Laravel.

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I also use the DataTables library as a complete package provider of table features. For notifications, I use the sweetalert2 library.




  1. Make sure you have installed PHP version 8.2 or higher to run Laravel version 11.
  2. Download the project in ZIP format.
  3. Unzip the project folder and open the project folder in your IDE (I use Visual Studio Code).
  4. Open a terminal in the root of the project folder and run the command composer install.
  5. Create a new .env file in the root folder and set up the database in the .env file (Make sure you have created a database similar to the project).
  6. Run the command php artisan serve in the terminal to run the project on localhost.


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